Interkulturelles Schreibprojekt Tunesien – Schweiz

Erik Altorfer (Schweiz) und Amel Meziane (Tunesien) reflektieren ein gemeinsames interkulturelles Schreibprojekt, das an der PH Zürich und am Institut Supérieur des Etudes Appliquées en Humanité de Zaghouan (ISEAHZ) durchgeführt wurde . Der Beitrag steht – zusammen mit vielen anderen Artikeln aus einem akademischen Netzwerkprojekt zwischen pädagogischen Hochschulen aus der Schweiz und aus Nordafrika aus dem Projekt SINAN (Swiss-North African Academic Network) – kostenlos online zur Verfügung:

Altorfer, Erik und Amel Meziane 2022. “The Sea Between Us”: A report on the teaching of creative writing to pre-service teachers in Tunisia and Switzerland. In Learning across Borders in Teacher Education: Experiences with the Swiss-North African Academic Network (SINAN) Project (DOKinsight, Vol. 2). hrsg. v. Samir Boulos und Mònica Feixas, 80-88. Zurich: Zurich University of Teacher Education.

Das folgende Zitat gibt einen Einblick in die Potenziale des kreativen Schreibens:

„Creative writing may help learners improve their language proficiency level and enrich their vocabulary. Lida (2012) states that there is a potential for literacy transfer to academic writing. In other words, creative writing can serve to enrich the linguistic repertoire of learners, which subsequently may impact positively on other genres including academic writing. Additionally, creative writing coaches those who are beset with affective problems such as low self-esteem, inhibition, introversion and anxiety, because both of the composing process and the final product are equally important; and evaluation comes mainly in the form of constructive feedback. Establishing creative writing as a routine can also impact positively on learner’s reading skills. In point of fact, Winterson (2012) contends that creative writing and reading are strongly linked“ (Altdorfer & Meziane 2022, p. 81).

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Text von Oumayma Bahri
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